“I’m struggling to get clients… maybe I should hire a new business agency”
I kid you not:
I hear some version of this from 50% of the people who want my help with lead generation.
“I’m having a hard time getting people to say yes to my branding project proposal.”
The hope is that spending some money to get in front of more people will result in a flood of prospective clients banging at their virtual door.
Alas, that is rarely the case.
If you can’t get people who find you organically to say yes, that won’t change when you have hire an external agency to hit the phones.
Meanwhile, I’ve talked to hundreds of agency owners who can convert like nobody’s business but who STILL haven’t tried outbound lead generation!
It hurts when I think about how much money they’ve left on the table over the years. 😩
But for all kinds of (often valid) reasons, they’re hesitant to spend money to increase their visibility.
So in this week’s podcast episode I answer the question:
“Who should launch a lead generation campaign ASAP, and who should save their money?”
Download the episode to your phone now! >>
If you’re ready to get going with lead generation for your agency, check out this free resource >> https://www.kaffeen.club/wcc-bootcamp <<
Resources mentioned in this episode:
> Lead Flow Sprint > https://www.kaffeen.club/lfs <
> Win Clients Consistently > https://www.kaffeen.club/wcc <
> Client Magnet Book > https://www.kaffeen.club/book <