Ryan Shaw, Executive Creative Director at Landor & Fitch talks to Charlotte about his top tips to post-pandemic design grads.
Listen into this episode for topics like:
- Post-pandemic hiring challenges
- Developing and sticking to a philosophy that defines your work
- The best ways to draw attention to your skills and style as a design graduate
- Tips to graduates about how to thrive in your first agency role
Show notes:
>> Free agency marketing mini course https://www.kaffeen.club/kaffeen-free-agency-marketing-mini-course
>> Brighter London brief & entry form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUPhJ__KnoXgSfZZ0Lq5wSps_N1rdv4EvzkxS5h73Rm8vjOg/viewform
>> https://thedesigncommunityhub.com/
Resources mentioned in this episode:
> Lead Flow Sprint > https://www.kaffeen.club/lfs <
> Win Clients Consistently > https://www.kaffeen.club/wcc <
> Client Magnet Book > https://www.kaffeen.club/book <