Win Clients Consistently offers so many ways to grow your agency profile. In this post we explore how you can track and take action on decision maker moves, so that you’re not the agency that gets left behind when your key client contact moves on to pastures new.
Your Goal: Be considered for projects across a wider range of geographies and industries.
How Win Clients Consistently helps: Maintain relationships with ex-clients when they move to new organisations to ensure that your agency is in contention for future projects they’re involved in, likely in new sectors
What this might look like:Joe Bloggs leaves Coca-Cola and moves to Airbnb. You have no tech or hospitality experience, so ordinarily might balk at a cold approach to Airbnb. You’re also very busy, so might be aware that Joe has left Coke, but aren’t sure where they’ve gone or when.
We set up email alerts when clients move on, so we know when to manually get in touch to congratulate them, or do this in an automated way for contacts we have a less established relationship with.
Thus putting yourself front of mind at the exact moment when Joe is likely to be shaking up agency relationships.
The output: A greater number of referred opportunities, which are statistically 67% more likely to won than cold new business opportunities.
Explore all the possibilities of Win Clients Consistently right here.